Training HSE



Yogyakarta | 26 – 29 August 2014 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 22 – 25 September 2014 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 27 – 30 October 2014 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 24 – 27 November 2014 | Rp 7.950.000
Yogyakarta | 15 – 18 December 2014 | Rp 7.950.000




Data merupakan komponen sangat penting dalam pengendalian kualitas proses maupun bahan pertimbangan utama dalam pengambilan keputusan. Komponen data terdiri atas pendeteksi sumber data, pengolah, dan penyajian data.  Keakuratan komponen-komponen tersebut akan mempermudah dan menjamin hasil analisa data. Lebih lanjut, kesalahan dalam satu bagian proses pengambilan maupun pengolahan data dapat berakibat dapat fatal dalam sebuah aktifitas industry. Hal tersebut terjadi karena pengambilan keputusan menjadi tidak akurat. Kesadaran akan pentingnya data menuntut pemahaman akan karakteristik instrumentasi yang digunakannya, termasuk di dalamnya fasilitas komunikasi yang tersedia sebagai sarana antar muka (interface) dengan perlatan lainnya. Mengingat pentingnya hal tersebut pelatihan diharapkan akan sangat membantu memberikan wawasan kepada para peserta mengenai  instrumentasi agar dapat bermanfaat  pada aktivitas di industri.


Peserta akan memahami:

  1. berbagai jenis alat ukur di lapangan
  2. Jenis-jenis kesalahan pada  instrumen pengukuran
  3. kesalahan yang muncul akibat sifat material sensor
  4. prinsip kerja alat-alat ukur dari berbagai jenis
  5. cara kerja dan sifat fisik dari sensor
  6. akuisisi data: ADC, DAC, sampling, window, dll
  7. data komunikasi: RS232, RS422, RS485, dsb.



  1. Jenis-jenis alat ukur dalam proses produksi dan cara kerjanya
    • a. Termal
    • b. Aliran
    • c. Tekanan
    • d. Dimensi
    • e. Dsb.
  2. Dasar-dasar pengukuran
    • a. Istilah-istilah penting dalam pengukuran
    • b. Analog/digital
    • c. Aktif/pasif
    • d. Mekanik/elektrik
    • e. Signal conditioning, amplifier, filter.
    • f. Dsb.
  3. 3. Dasar-dasar sensor
    • a. Mekanik
    • b. Elektrik
      • ? Resistif
      • ? Kapasitif
      • ? Induktif
      • ? Termokopel
    • c. Optik
      • ? Encoder
      • ? Photoelectric
      • ? dsb
    • d. Dsb.
  4. Kesalahan-kesalahan (yang selalu ada) dalam pengukuran
  5. Kalibrasi alat ukur
    • a. Kurva pengukuran dan kalibrasi
    • b. Histeresis, linearity, repeatability dan stability
    • c. Kalibrasi alat ukur mekanik, elektrik dan optik
    • d. Dsb.
  6. Akuisisi data
    • a. Pengukuran arus dan tegangan
    • b. ADC, DAC
    • c. Sampling data, window, Coupling, Antialias filter, averaging, measurement unit
  7. Komunikasi data:
    • a. Komunikasi serial dan parallel
    • b. Protokol dalam komunikasi serial
    • c. Komunikasi data:
      • RS232,
      • RS422,
      • RS485, dsb.


Dr.Ir. Paryana Puspaputra, M.Eng., and Team

Paryana Puspaputra was born in Kotabumi on January 19, 1964, is a Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesia Islamic University – Indonesia. Undergraduate from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (ITB) in 1990 and master degree in Mechanical Engineering Department of Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan in 1996. He achieved his doctorate degree in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (ITB) in 2012. He is also experienced as consultant and training instructure for several manufacturing and oil company, such as Chevron, Total, KPA, Petrokimia, Semen, Indonesia Power, etc. His background in mechanical equipment and machinery is completed with knowledge in instrumentation technology which was started from his final project in undergraduate by making software and data acquisition for predictive maintenance, and continued with his graduate thesis in control system for nano technology. There are researches and industrial implementation in data acquisition such as building the DNC system for production-shop using CNC machine, developing the balancing machine for Panasia Indosyntex – Bandung, SCADA system Development based on Fuji Electric control system (for IPAL – Pertamina – Cilacap, Toxic Gas Monitoring – Dieng – Central Java, etc). Moreover, he is also an official trainer of softwares for design and manufacturing base on CAD/CAM Technology (AutoCAD, Inventor, and Delcam PowerShape, ArtCAM) and familier with some finite element based analysys softwares such as Moldflow, ANSYS, SAP, CAESAR II, etc.


Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)


 4 days


  1. 24 – 27 March 2014
  2. 21 – 24 April 2014
  3. 20 – 23 May 2014
  4. 23 – 26 June 2014
  5. 14 – 17 July 2014
  6. 26 – 29 August 2014
  7. 22 – 25 September 2014
  8. 27 – 30 October 2014
  9. 24 – 27 November 2014
  10. 15 – 18 December 2014


  1. Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or
  2. Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  3. Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified Instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)


Formulir Permintaaan Informasi Lanjutan / Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training
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  11. PRE REGISTRATION DATA (Tidak Mengikat)
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Posted in: Lab, Yogyakarta

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